HOPE Jamaica

Food Outreaches

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.”


At HOPE Center Jamaica (HCJA), hundreds of people are being fed on a weekly basis physically. Each week, the team from HCJA, loads the truck with food packages and travels to different communities to hand deliver food packages to those in need. These packages of food provide a nutritionally sound assortment of meat, rice, oats, sugar, corn meal, canned items, etc., as well as hygiene products.  

Each week, the food that is given to nourish the body is also a catalyst to feed the soul. How? Led by the Holy Spirit, the team has approached the ministry in this way.

“Instead of a “grab-n-go” food providing system, the Hope Center team takes Jesus’ approach of 1-on-1 connections, which opens the door for conversation and prayer. Jesus sent us to hand deliver this food to nourish bodies, as well as, hand deliver His love and gospel to people in a special but practical way.” - Gina


After hand delivering the food packages and developing personal connections with those in need, Soup for the Soul (SFTS) is a continuation of our “feeding bodies and souls” objective. The HCJA team ensures each person is invited to an informal “dinner” of hot soup and Bible study right in their neighborhood. This is a time to study the Word of God together, pray and discuss scripture so that people can learn & grow in their relationship with Jesus.


HCJA joyfully “extends” our ministry arms by teaming up with over 20 like-minded ministries to provide them with food & hygiene products for their area's people in need. By working together in the name of unity, we are building a stronger community and network to reach people with the love of Jesus. Currently, HCJA is supplying food for over 20 ministries as well as a special needs orphanage and a primary/junior school. 

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of

the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’”

HOPE Center Jamaica

Hope Pastures, Kingston

St. Andrew Jamaica

Call: 876-843-4232