It was the year the Lord sent Pastor Gina York and the 3D Dance team to minister to the beautiful people of Jamaica. No one on the team had been to the “real” Jamaica before so it was a totally new adventure. The first outreach was in an open-air stadium in Half-Way Tree, Kingston. With no advertisement having preceded the event, we were unsure of what was going to happen. To be honest, we were probably all thinking that we may spend the next hour ministering to the grass and seats.


We clicked on the music and began to minister; not to the crowd but to the Lord, as was our goal anytime we took to a stage, and somehow, in a way that only Holy Spirit could do, people began to fill the seats. An hour later, drenched in sweat and stoked on the love of Jesus, we gave a call to anyone who needed prayer and to anyone who wanted to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Absolutely unsure of how this was going to play out but assured that Jesus loves people and Holy Spirit loves to draw them to Daddy-God, we offered for any and all to come. 

With mouth hanging open in awe-struck wonder, I stood amazed, once again, at what Holy Spirit had just done through a rag-tag bunch of people from America, who loved to tell the story of how we found forgiveness and acceptance. And in that moment, God birthed a love for Jamaica in my heart that I cannot explain.

Since 2012 the Lord has graciously given me the opportunity to minister in Jamaica many times both locally and nationally and I stand in awe of Him.

As wonderful, exciting, and glorious as each trip to Jamaica was, I knew there was more. God had planted something in my heart that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Isaiah 58 was a chapter He had “given” to me personally on July 28, 2004. I treasure it in my heart and pray it often. Again, somehow, knowing that “this” in me was bigger than I knew what to do with, so, I just kept praying.

In 2017, during a time of prayer, Holy Spirit said to me, “Read Isaiah 54 and 55 daily”. With no further explanation or insight from Him, I did what He said. As the days of reading turned into months of reading and rereading, that “thing” I couldn’t quite put my finger on, couldn’t quite see, began to be seen.

A ministry that would meet people right where they were.
A practical ministry
Where real life and Jesus converge.

A ministry that would:

  • Help underprivileged children get the educational support they needed to succeed 

  • Provide food to the hungry

  • Clothing to the naked

  • Set the oppressed free

  • Rescue those in need

  • Help the widow, fatherless, orphaned

Out of a place of prayer, believing God for everything, He brought forth i5458 Ministries. 

I5458 Ministries is committed to going into the highways and byways to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus, through practical means and to establish H.O.P.E. Centers worldwide. At each H.O.P.E. Center, persons will be able to come and find additional resources, such as, counseling, discipleship, educational support, and a community of believers to worship along side of. 



With much excitement and great joy, the very first H.O.P.E. Center is in Hope Pastures Jamaica!!!!!! Can you imagine that the God of Wonders established a Center of HOPE in a community with the name of Hope Pastures?! That’s my God for you!


I am honored and humbled, that God would entrust me to steward this ministry. It is my greatest joy to bring Him honor, joy, and pleasure. To Him be all the Praise!

Love –